SSN Travel Fellowships
Travel Fellowships of the SSN
The SSN offers travel fellowships to their PhD student and postdoc members for active participations in international neuroscience meetings or conferences. Applications for all meetings are considered, but preference is given to the biannual FENS Forum and the SFN Annual Meeting.
Application guidelines:
Applications must contain an abstract of the work to be presented at the meeting, a letter of motivation and a CV of the applicant. A letter of support from the supervisor may also be submitted as part of the application. Applications should be submitted electronically as one single PDF to<
All PhD students and postdoctoral fellows that are active SSN members are eligible to apply.
All neuroscience meetings are eligible, but preference is given to the FENS Forum and the SFN Annual Meeting. Application for meetings that already took place by the date of the deadline will not be considered.
No more than one person per research group and per meeting will be supported.
Any person can only receive one fellowship during her/his PhD, and one fellowship as a postdoctoral fellow.
Selection criteria:
Quality of the applicant (abstract, track record, letter of motivation)
Likely benefit of the meeting for the applicant and her/his research group
Application deadlines:
March 1(for meetings taking place after April 1st)
June 1(for meetings taking place after July 1st)
September 1(for meeting taking place after October 1st)
Fellowship amount:
CHF 700.- for meetings in Europe, and CHF 1'200-1'500.- for meetings outside Europe.
Recipients of the Travel fellowships in the past three years (with success rates of ~45%):
Vera Wiersma (Polymenidou lab, UZH)
Andrey Lazopulo (Franken lab, UNIL)
Claudia Kathe (Courtine lab, EPFL)
Riccardo Caramellino (Rainer Lab, UNIFR)
Ines Atunes dos Santos Dias (Noain lab, ETHZ)
Alberto Chiappa (Mathis lab, EPFL)
Andria Pelentritou (De Lucia lab, UNIL)
Vincent Fischer (Gapp lab, ETHZ)
Michael Soutschek (Kleele lab, ETHZ)
Giovanna Aiello (Imbach lab, ETHZ)
Elena Vicari (Micera lab, EPFL)
Carlotta Gilardi (Lab of Systems Neuroscience, ETHZ)
Justine Villard (Lab CD, UNIL)
Elsa Scialom (Herzog lab, EPFL)
Valentina Scandella (Knobloch lab, UNIL)
Nawal Kinany (Van De Ville lab, UNIGE)
Pol Bech Vilaseca (Petersen lab, EPFL)
Sarah Mondoloni (Mameli lab, UNIL)
Daniel Sudria Lopez (Knobloch lab, UNIL)
Elizabeth Amadei (Grewe lab, ETHZ&UNIZH)
Theodora Chalatsi (Nikoletopoulou lab, UNIL)
Najma Cherrad (Lüthi lab, UNIL)
Alessandro Chioino (Sandi lab, EPFL)
Kaizhen Li (Ciocchi lab, UNIBE)
Marija Markicevic (Wenderoth lab, ETHZ)
Emilie Revol (Lacour lab, EPFL)
Raquel Sandoval (Nevian lab, UNIBE)
Patricia Valerio (Barkat lab, UNIBAS)
Eva Valencia-Alarcon (Nagoshi lab, UNIGE)
Gabrielle Zbären (Wenderoth lab, ETHZ)
Weronika Potok (Wenderoth lab, ETHZ)
No travel fellowships have been awarded in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
9 travel fellowships were awarded to:
Benjamin Campbell (Shiva Tyagarajan lab, UNIZH)
Andrea Creetu (Nicole Wenderoth lab, UNIZH)
Masaya Harada (Christian Lüscher lab, UNIGE)
Amelie Haugg (Frank Scharnowski lab, UNIZH)
Rahel Kästli (Theo Karayannis lab, UNIZH)
Ojala Karita (Dominik Bach lab, UNIZH)
Pavo Orepic (Olaf Blanke lab, EPFL)
Michael Soutschek (Gerhard Schratt lab, UNIZH)
Keita Tamura (Carl Petersen lab, EPFLI
15 travel fellowships were awarded to:
Mark Anderson (Gregoire Courtine Lab, EPFL)
Eva Blondiaux (Olaf Blanke lab, EPFL)
Haissa De Castro Abrantes (Jean-Yves Chatton lab, UNIL)
Zhuoliang Li (Kelly Tan Lab, UNIBAS)
Stefano Musardo (Camilla Bellone lab, UNIGE)
Ruiqing Ni (Jan Klohs lab, UNIZH-ETHZ)
Michael Notter (Micay Murray lab, UNIL-CHUV)
Rebecca Paladini (Dario Cazzoli lab, UNIBE)
Michael Pereira (Olaf Blanke Lab, EPFL)
Aurore Perrault (Sophie Schwartz lab, UNIGE)
Gregor Schulknecht (Kevan Martin Lab, UNIZH)
Massimo Trusel (Manuel Mameli lab, UNIL)
Sarah Thoeni (C Lüscher Lab, Geneva University)
Ugo Tomasello, (Alexandre Dayer Lab, UNIGE)
Ulrike Weber-Stadlbauer (Urs Meyer lab, UNIZH)