SSN Travel Grantees: Theodora Chalatsi
Theodora Chalatsi, PhD Student
University of Lausanne
Department of Fundamental Neurosciences
'I would like to thank you for the great opportunity that you gave me to attend the FENS Forum
2022 in Paris. The FENS Forum is one of the most well-known and broad neuroscience
conferences. This travel grant enabled me to communicate my work to the broad
neuroscience community and improve my presentation skills. In addition, as my work is
submitted to peer reviewed journal, I had the chance to present my work and receive amazing
feedback from experts in the field. Reaching the end of my PhD thesis, I had the chance to
develop my networking skills and meet great professors from my field. Also, it significantly
enhanced my confidence as a young researcher and facilitated my search for a lab that is
well-suited for continuing my career.'