Abstract Submission

Click here to see abstract submission and closing deadlines

Preparation and Submission of an Abstract for the SSN Annual Meeting

Your abstract will be published in the Electronic Abstract Book of the SSN Meeting. Therefore your submission must conform to scientific and publication standards. Please follow the following process:

  1. Download the Word (docx) template to prepare your abstract according to the SSN style. 
  2. Ensure that your abstract conforms to the SSN scientific standards required for SSN approval of your abstract. 
  3. Export your abstract as a pdf, named according to the format  Lastname_Firstname_Abstract_SSN2025.pdf where 'Lastname' and 'Firstname' are those of the first author, and the first letter of each name is capitalized.
  4. Ensure that your pdf does not exceed one A4 page.
  5. Submit the abstract (pdf) on the submission page.

All authors do not need to be members of the SSN. However, only a Member (in good standing) of the SSN may submit an abstract. The Member who uploads the abstract is responsible for ensuring that:

  • All authors of the abstract have agreed to its submission.
  • At least one of the authors will present the work at the SSN Annual Meeting.  
  • The abstract conforms to SSN scientific standards.
  • The abstract conforms to SSN Abstract style.