On March 10, the Swiss National Council voted to reject both, the Initiative against Animal Experimentation and the 2 counterprojects. …
On March 10, the Swiss National Council voted to reject both, the Initiative against Animal Experimentation and the 2 counterprojects. …
We would like to share the following upcoming award opportunities from FENS and its partners that might be of interest …
Flyer from the SGV and SAVIR
Revision and update process on-going.
An excellent essay written by outstanding scientists including neuroscientists summarizes the pertinent points.
The SSN is now available on Twitter!
Researchers in ALS, look out for these two funding opportunities: Frick-fondation.ch (100,000 CHF - deadline Jun 30 2021) Radala-foundation.com (200,000 …
Every two years, the Swiss Brain League awards a prize of CHF 20,000 to a Swiss research group in recognition …
Gregor Schuknecht and Dasha Nelidova received the SSN best pulcation award 2021. Congratulations to both of them!
Animal experimentation in Switzerland is under increased scrutiny. Established national newspapers report on animal experimentation labs in terms that are …