Publication Awards
Publication Awards
The SSN offers, once a year, publication awards to young SSN member in three different domains of neuroscience:
- Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
- Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience
- Human and Clinical Neuroscience.
The awards are handed over at the Annual Meeting of the SSN.
Applications guidelines:
Applications must contain the publication, a short description of the significance of the work, a CV of the applicant and a letter of support from the supervisor describing the applicant’s contribution to the article. Applicants must indicate for which category they want their article to be considered. Applications should be submitted electronically as one single PDF to The decision of the jury cannot be appealed.
All PhD students and first-year postdoctoral fellows that are active SSN members are eligible to apply.
Only articles to which the applicant has contributed substantially will be considered. The applicant must therefore be the first or last author of the publication.
The article must be peer-reviewed and published or accepted for publication between December 1, 2022 and November 30, 2024.
Selection criteria:
- Scientific and/or clinical excellence
- Specific contribution of the student.
Application deadline:
Award amount:
The amount of the Award is decided every year by the Council.
Recipients of the publications awards:
Category Human and Clinical Neuroscience:
Dr Gregory Lepeu, for The critical dynamics of hippocampal seizures. Lepeu G, vanMaren E, Slabeva K, Friedrichs-Maeder C, Fuchs M, Z’Graggen W, Pollo C, Schindler KA, Adamantidis A, Proix T, Baud M. Nature Communications (2024) 15:6945.
Category Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience:
Dr Steffen Schneider, for Learnable latent embeddings for joint behavioural and neural analysis. Schneider S, Lee JH, Mathis, MW. Nature (2023) 617:360.
We congratulate the prize winners of the SSN Lugano meeting, who are:
Category Cellular-Molecular Neuroscience:
Dr. Melek Firat Altay
for the article entitled
Prominent astrocytic alpha-synuclein pathology with unique posttranslational modification signatures unveiled across Lewy body disorders
published in
Acta Neuropathologica Communications (2022) 10:163
Dr. Melek Firat Altay (middle), with Prof. Anita Lüthi (President) and Prof. Stéphane Ciocchi (SSN Council Member)
Category Systems-Behavioral Neuroscience:
Sina M. Schalbetter, PhD
for the article entitled
Adolescence is a sensitive period for prefrontal microglia to act on cognitive development
published in
Science Advances (2022) 8, eabi6672
Dr. Schalbetter during her online presentation
Category Human-Clinical Neuroscience:
Florence M. Aellen, PhD
for the article entitled
Auditory stimulation and deep learning
awakening from coma after cardiac arrest
published in
Brain (2023) 146: 778-788
Dr. Florence Aellen (middle), with Prof. Anita Lüthi (President) and Prof. Stéphane Ciocchi (SSN Council Member)
SSN President, Prof. Anita Lüthi, with our Prize Winners Katarzyna Kita (UNIZH), Dr. Masaya Harada (UNIGE), and Dr. Jonas Beck (UNIFR)
In the field of Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience:
Katarzyna Kita (Martin Müller lab, UNIZH)
'GluA4 facilitates cerebellar expansion coding and enables associative memory formation', published in
eLife 2021;10:e65152
In the field of Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience:
Dr. Masaya Harada (Christian Lüscher lab, UNIGE)
'Corticostriatal activity driving compulsive reward seeking', published in Biological Psychiatry 2021;90:808–818
In the field of Human and Clinical Neuroscience:
Dr. Jonas Beck (Björn Rasch lab, UNIFR)
'Exposure to relaxing words during sleep promotes slow-wave sleep and subjective sleep quality', published in
Sleep 2021; 44(11):zsab148
In the field of Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience:
Dasha Nelidova (Botond Roska lab, FMI Basel)
Restoring light sensitivity using tunable near-infrared sensors. Nelidova D, Morikawa RK, Cowan CS, Raics Z, Goldblum D, Scholl HPN, Szikra T, Szabo A, Hillier D,Roska B (2020). Science 368:1108-1113
In the field of Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience:
Gregor Schuknecht (Kevan Martin lab, Zurich University)
Structure and function of a neocortical synapse. Holler S, Köstinger G, Martin KAC, Schuhknecht GFP*, Stratford KJ (2020). Nature (in press)
In the field of Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience:
Elisabetta Furlanis (Peter Scheiffele Lab, Basel University)
Landscape of ribosome-engaged transcript isoforms reveals extensive neuronal-cell-class- specific alternative splicing programs. Furlanis E, Traunmüller L, Fucile G, Scheiffele P (2019). Nature Neruoscience 22:1709-1717
In the field of Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience:
Amalia Floriou-Servou (Johannes Bohacek Lab, ETHZ)
Rapid reconfiguration of the functional connectome after chemogenetic Locus Coeruleus activation. Zerbi V, Floriou-Servou A, …, Bohacek J. (2019). Neuron 4: 702-718.e5
In the field of Human and Clinical Neuroscience:
Isabel Berwian (Quentin Huys Lab, Zurich University)
Computational mechanisms of effort and reward decisions in depression and their relationship to relapse after antidepressant discontinuation. Berwian IM, Wenzel JG, Collins AGE, Seifritz E, Stephan KE, Walter H, Huys QJM (2020). JAMA Psychiatry 1;77(5):513-522
In the field of Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience:
Mark Anderson (Gregor Courtine Lab, EPFL)
Required growth facilitators propel axon regeneration across complete spinal cord injury. Anderson MA, O’Shea TM, …, Courtine G, Sofroniew MV (2018). Nature 561;396-400
In the field of Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience:
Antonia Drinnenberg (Botond Roska Lab, FMI Basel)
How Diverse Retinal Functions Arise from Feedback at the First Visual Synapse. Drinnenberg A, Frankr F, Morikawa RK, Jüttner J, Hilier D, Hantz P, Hierlemann A, Azeredo da Silveira R, Roska B (2018). Neuron 11, 19:117-134.e11.
In the field of Human and Clinical Neuroscience:
Daniela Zöller (Dimitri Van de Ville Lab, EPFL)
Robust Recovery of Temporal Overlap Between Network Activity Using Transient-Informed Spatio-Temporal Regression. Zoller DM, Bolton TAW, Karahanoglu FI, Eliez S, Schaer M, Van De Ville D (2019). IEEE Trans Med Imaging 38(1):291-302.
In the field of Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience:
Erika Bindocci (Andrea Volterra Lab, University of Lausanne)
Three-dimensional CA2+ imaging advances understanding of astrocyte biology. Bindocci E, Savtchouk I, Liaudet N, Becker D, Carriero G, Volterra A (2017). Science 356:eaai8185
In the field of Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience:
Alexander Attinger (Georg Keller Lab, FMI Basel)
Visuomotor coupling shapes the functional development of mouse visual cortex. Attinger A, Wang B, Keller GB (2017). Cell 169:1291-1302.e14
In the field of Human and Clinical Neuroscience:
Sara Fattinger (Reto Huber Lab, University of Zurich)
Deep sleep maintains learning efficiency of the human brain. (2019). Fattinger S, de Beukelaar TT, Ruddy KL, Volk C, Heyse NC, Herbst JA, Hahnloser RHR, Wenderoth N, Huber R (2017). Nat Commun 8, 15405