New SSN Site
SSN is in the process of upgrading its web-site to an Association Mangement System (AMS).
The new system is currently running live at (developed and supported by iniForum GmbH)
You are receiving this mail because you are already an approved Member of SSN, and your user data has already been installed in the new system. However, for reasons of security, we require each of you to complete your own registration and to set your own password at the new site. The instructions for achieving this are listed below.
Using the new AMS
The system offers many features. We cannot detail these here. The most important information for the moment, is that AMS interacts differently with three basic classes of user: Public, User , and Member. Furthermore, Users and Members are assigned to various Groups according to their interests and activities - and inherit certain privileges according to their Group(s). We do not now describe these Groups further. What is relevant is that:
Public have limited visbility of the SSN. Their interactions are limited to general descriptions of SSN, including News, and Events. Importantly, they are also able to register for public events of the SSN.
Users are all persons who have registered a login. The privileges of Users are a little more than the Public. However, they do have the opportunity to apply for approved Membership of SSN. They also have the opportunity to renew their Membership when necessary.
Members are fully paid up members of the SSN. Members have much greater visibility of the SSN and, importantly, they are able to Register for the Annual Meeting at no cost, and also to submit Abstracts for the meeting.
Procedure for registering at the new SSN AMS
The SSN paid Membership (Student, Ordinary, Emeritus) runs for a calander year beginning 1 October. Therefore, technically, you are currently an unpaid member! This means that your privileges are currently at User level. However, there is a 'grace' period of two months (to 31 November) during which you can renew your membership without re-application. When you sign in as a User you will see button offering you immediate renewal (at the cost of your next years membership fees). You have until the end of the grace period to make this payment. However, we ask that you make payment as soon as possible, because your early payment helps us confirm AMS operation, and also enables SSN to better plan for the Annual Meeting.
Payment is by credit card only. (The card which you use for payment need not be registered to you). Payment occurs via the secure automatic payment system STRIPE. Your credit card data cannot be seen or recorded by the AMS.
As soon as you have payed, your Membership wiil be reinstated for the year 2019, ending October 1 2019.
Now, when you login as a paid-up member, you will receive preferred (ie free) registration for the Annual Meeting, and you will see the Abstract Submission button towards the right of the navigation bar.
There is still 'work-in-progress' on the site, and there may be corner-case problems that we have not yet discovered. Please be considerate - and let us know if you have any probles, or suggestions.
Now - here is what you should do to register (and pay :-):
- go to
- select Members > Login
- select 'reset password'. Supply your email address (as occurs in any SSN communication with you. SSN recognizes you by that address ). You will receive by email to that address a reset URL.
- Copy the reset URL from the email and paste it into your browser URL lookup. (For reasons of security, we do not offer a 'hot link' for password reset). Update your password at the URL supplied.
- Login to (Members > Login) and you will be directed to your profile page.
- On the profile page, you will see that you are 'not a member'. Select the red 'Memberships' button to renew your membership for 2019. You will be directed to the membership renewal form. Ensure that relevant fields are correctly completed and submit the renewal application.
- You will be directed to a secure STRIPE credit card payment page. (There no other methods of pament).
- You will receive (after some 24hrs) email acknowledgement that you are now a paid-up Member of SSN for 2019. Congratulations!
- When you login again, you will see that you are now a Member of the relevant type until October 2019.
- You may still see a 'Join' option. If you do, please ignore this option. It is a bug that we are working on. DO NOT rejoin the SSN!!
If you have a particularly long email name (which is used also login name), you may not be able to reset your password! If you do experience this difficulty, please send mail to with HELP in the subject line, and we fix this issue for you.