2020 Annual Meeting of the SSN
22nd Meeting of the Swiss Society for Neuroscience 2020
Saturday February 22, 2020
von Roll Areal, Fabrikstrasse 6, Bern
Program of the 2020 Meeting
Abstract booklet
How to get to the von Roll Areal?
The meeting will take place at the
University of Bern
Hochschulzentrum von Roll, Fabrikstrasse 6, 3012 Bern
You can reach it by a 18 min walk north-west from the train station.
Take BUS 20 to the final stop “Länggasse” and walk 3 min from there. Take Postcar 101 Schlossmatt to stop “Güterbahnhof”.
There is paid parking on site. Take A1 to exit "Forsthaus". Directly turn left onto Bremgartenstrasse, you see the von Roll Areal and parking.
Abstract submission is CLOSED.
Registration is CLOSED.
Admission to the Meeting is by proof of registration only.
Print your personalized registration confirmation email. To obtain entry to the Meeting you must present your confirmation email at the conference admission desk. For reasons of organization, catering, and security there can be no exception to this admission process.
Registration fees:
There is no registration fee for paid up members of the SSN. However, you must neverthess register to obtain entrance to the Congress.
To obtain this free registration, you must logged in as a Member.
A registration fee applies (see the registration page for details). You will be required to pay on registration. Payment is by on-line credit card only.
Please do NOT register at this PUBLIC page if you are a member of SSN. You should instead login as a member, and then register for SSN2020, so that you will not be charged for this SSN event. Payment here as a Public registrant for SSN2020 (CHF150) will not be considered retrospectively as payment for SSN Membership!
If you are not yet a Member of SSN, you may first apply and pay (CHF 100 regular members, CHF 40 students) for Membership, and thereafter register at no charge for SSN2020.
The meeting is accredited by:
· The Swiss Association of Cantonal Veterinaries for 1/2 day of continuing education
von Roll Areal, University of Bern
von Roll Areal, Fabrikstrasse 6